skincare 101

We are alllll about the “be confident in your own skin” movement that’s happening right now, but we also know it’s easier said than done.  Whether you’re worried about acne, dark spots, or signs of aging- or you’re just confused about what all these treatment options actually are (we know microneedling sounds like a torture technique banned by the government, but it’s not)- we’ve compiled our best tips and tricks to help you nail the skin of your dreams. 

                              what your struggle is, there are a few                      you should include in your                                                  

No matter



                             what your struggle is, there are a feW
                    you should include in your

No matter



Step no. 1: clear

If you wear makeup, the single most important thing you can do for your skin each night is take. it. off. And no, grabbing a makeup removing wipe from your nightstand and quickly rubbing it all over your face before passing out doesn’t count- lazy people don’t get dewy skin. Get to the sink and use a makeup remover like L’Occitane Cleansing Oil to dissolve your makeup before washing your face. Don’t forget to regularly clean your makeup brushes and pillow cases, as dirt, oil, and bacteria can grow on those surfaces, and probably won't do you any good.

You should wash your face twice a day- when you first wake up and right before bed. Both times, be sure to reach for a cleanser that says "gentle" or "hydrating" (even if you're oily!). That means avoiding anything that contains pesky beads or particles like the plague. Seriously- throw out the “deep exfoliating” face wash you’ve had since high school right now, and never think about fruit pits ripping off the top layer of your skin again. Your cleanser doesn’t have to break the bank- CeraVe, Cetaphil, and La Roche-Posay are some of our favorites, and they can all be found at places like Target. 

Step no.2: cleanse

Step no.3:cushion

(this step is really called Moisturize, but we like alliteration)

Every time you wash your face (in case you forgot already, that should be twice a day), you should immediately follow up with a soothing moisturizer to soften skin. We love Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Moisturizer, but there are some great options with SPF, too. Which brings us to our next point….

You need to wear sunscreen. Not just in the summer- 365 days a year. Aim for at least SPF 30, but the higher the SPF, the better. Mineral sunscreens that contain Zinc Oxide or Titanium Oxide can be the least irritating to the skin, and companies like La Roche-Posay and Elta MD have great options. SuperGoop even makes finishing powders and setting sprays with SPF 50, so you can re-apply throughout the day without ruining your makeup. You know what that means? You’re out of excuses to avoid SPF. 

Step no.4: cover


We'll go over steps to tackle specific skincare struggles-slash-stresses (told you we like alliteration) so you can adjust your regimen to best suit your needs.